Flexible Foam Polyether
Foam building soft and brittle insulation material cutting equipment thin wire forming cutting diamo
2022-06-30 14:21  Click:8
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Product Type: New In stock: Yes
Layout form: Horizontal Action object material: Other, metal
Control form: NC Type: Diamond Wire Saw
Precision: Precision In Stock: Yes
Level of Automation: Auto After-sales service: One Year
Yield: 10

Detailed introduction of "Foam Building Soft and Brittle Insulation Material Cutting Equipment Thin Wire Forming Cutting Diamond Wire Cutting Machine"

CHSX5660-120 CNC fine wire forming and cutting diamond wire cutting machine
Machine tool overview
CNC fine wire forming and cutting Diamond wire cutting machine is a diamond wire with a diameter of 0.14~0.35mm in the numerical control system Cutting according to the pre-designed program path under the control of the program, the accuracy error is 1%, which can be used for cutting soft and brittle materials, such as PU, PF, EPShard foam,EVASoft foam and sponge are made into thermal insulation pipes, thermal insulation boards and other products of various shapes.High precision, smooth and beautiful surface, easy to operate.
Cutting soft and brittle materials such as thermal insulation materials, the fracture is smooth and free of debris.
Machine use
This machine is
A custom-made CNC machine tool developed for special thermal insulation materials in the construction industry, which can be used for all kinds of high foam, PVA, EPE, EPS, slicing and modeling of phenolic and other materials, The equipment is under the control of the CNC system program At the same time, it can be sliced, squared, rounded, etc., and cut into any shape.

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