flexible foam catalyst
Elastomer POE 8200 Injection Grade High Flow [Price, Manufacturer, Buy, What Brand Is Good]
2022-06-29 14:53  Click:19
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    "Elastomer POE 8200 Injection Molding Grade High Flow" Parameter Description

    In stock: Yes Authentication: Standard Level
    Type: POE Grade: 8200
    Processing Level: Injection grade, hollow grade, coating grade, wire drawing grade, extrusion grade Feature Level: Toughening grade, thermal stability, high temperature resistance
    Usage Level: General purpose, food grade, auto parts, pipe grade Model: 7467
    Specifications: 25KG Trademark: Standard Level
    Packaging: Standard Level

    "Elastomer POE 8200 Injection Molding Grade High Flow" Details

    Product parameters

    Performance items Test Condition [Status] Test Method Test Data Data Unit
    Physical Properties

    Specific Gravity

    ASTM D792 0.870


    Melt flow rate

    190℃/2.16 kg ASTM D1238 5.0

    g/10 min

    Mooney Viscosity ML 1+4, 121℃ ASTM D1646 8


    Mechanical Properties

    Durometer hardness

    Shore A, 1 sec, Compression Molded

    ASTM D2240 66

    Shore D, 1 sec, Compression Molded

    tensile modulus Secant (molded) ASTM D638 2.30


    tensile strength Fracture, Compression ASTM D638 5.70


    Elongation Fracture, Compression ASTM D638 1100


    Flexural Modulus

    1% Secant: Molded

    ASTM D790 10.9


    2% Secant: Molded

    Tear Strength ASTM D624 37.1


    Thermal performance

    Glass transition temperature

    Internal Method -53.0

    Vicat softening temperature

    ASTM D1525 37.0
    Melting temperature Internal Method 59.0

    Crystallization Peak Temperature

    Internal Method 44.0

    Features of POE:

    (1) POE has the general physical properties of thermoplastic elastomers, such as moldability, waste recycling and vulcanized rubber properties.

    (2) The price is low, and the relative density is small, so the volume price is low.

    (3) Excellent heat resistance and cold resistance, and wide application range.

    (4) Good weather resistance and aging resistance.

    (5) Oil resistance, compression deformation resistance and wear resistance, etc.

    (6) Good fluidity, excellent toughness and good processability.

    Purpose of POE:

    1. Impact modifiers: dashboards; connectors and plugs; pipes; instrument parts; sheets; gardening tools; building materials;

    2. Molded products: pipe fittings; toys; travel bags or handbags; gaskets; shoes;

    3. Extrusion products: civil, industrial, medical tubes; instrument parts; building materials; wire sheaths; elastic films.

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