Polyurethane Composite
High impact modified PP/EPDM PP/EPDM composite material【price, manufacturer, buy, what brand is good
2022-06-24 16:16  Click:7
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    "High impact modified PP/EPDM PP/EPDM composite material" parameter description

    In stock: Yes Authentication: Standards
    Type: EPDM Grade: EPDM
    Processing Level: Injection Grade, Hollow Grade, Extrusion Grade Feature Level: Flame retardant grade, toughening grade, thermal stability, high temperature resistance
    Usage Level: General-purpose grades, filler grades, automotive parts, pipe grades, electrical and electronic parts Model: EPDM
    Specifications: 25kg Trademark: Standards
    Packaging: Standards Patent Classification: Standards
    Patent Number: Standards

    Detailed introduction to "High impact modified PP/EPDM PP/EPDM composites"

    High impact modified PP/EPDM PP /EPDMcomposite

    EPDM (EPDM):

    EPDM is a terpolymer of ethylene, propylene, and a non-conjugated diene. Diolefins have a special structure, only one of the two bonds can be copolymerized, and the unsaturated double bonds are mainly used as cross-links. The other unsaturated one will not become the polymer backbone, only the side chains. The main polymer chain of EPDM is fully saturated. This property makes EPDM resistant to heat, light, oxygen, and especially ozone. EPDM is nonpolar in nature, resistant to polar solutions and chemicals, has low water absorption, and has good insulating properties. In the production process of EPDM, its characteristics can be adjusted by changing the amount of three monomers, the ratio of ethylene to propylene, the molecular weight and its distribution, and the method of vulcanization.

    First, the properties of ethylene-propylene rubber:

    Ethylene propylene rubber is synthesized with ethylene and propylene as the main raw materials, and has outstanding aging resistance, electrical insulation properties and ozone resistance. Ethylene-propylene rubber can be filled with a large amount of oil and carbon black, and the price of the product is low. The chemical stability of ethylene-propylene rubber is good, and its wear resistance, elasticity, and oil resistance are similar to those of styrene-butadiene rubber.

    Second, the use of ethylene-propylene rubber:

    According to the performance characteristics of ethylene-propylene rubber, it is mainly used in several fields that require aging resistance, water resistance, corrosion resistance and electrical insulation, such as light-colored tires for tires Sides, heat-resistant conveyor belts, cables, wires, anti-corrosion linings, sealing gaskets, building waterproof sheets, door and window sealing strips, household appliance accessories, plastic modification, etc.


    I. Overview:

    EPDM is a terpolymer of ethylene, propylene, and a non-conjugated diene. Diolefins have a special structure, only one of the two bonds can be copolymerized, and the unsaturated double bonds are mainly used as cross-links. The other unsaturated one will not become the polymer backbone, only the side chains. The main polymer chain of EPDM is fully saturated. This property makes EPDM resistant to heat, light, oxygen, and especially ozone. EPDM is nonpolar in nature, resistant to polar solutions and chemicals, has low water absorption, and has good insulating properties. In the production process of EPDM, its characteristics can be adjusted by changing the amount of three monomers, the ratio of ethylene to propylene, the molecular weight and its distribution, and the method of vulcanization.

    Second, application:

    Outstanding aging resistance, electrical insulation and ozone resistance. Ethylene-propylene rubber can be filled with a large amount of oil and carbon black, and the price of the product is low. The chemical stability of ethylene-propylene rubber is good, and its wear resistance, elasticity, and oil resistance are similar to those of styrene-butadiene rubber. Ethylene propylene rubber is widely used as tire side, rubber strip and inner tube as well as automobile

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