Adhensive catalyst
Rock Shearing/Stone Shearing Fixtures Stone Adhesive Shearing Test Fixtures
2022-07-08 14:26  Click:7
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Model: ZK

Details of "Rock Shear/Stone Shear Fixtures Stone Adhesive Shear Test Fixtures"

Rock Shear/Stone Shear Fixture Stone Adhesive Shear Test FixtureBasic Introduction

This product is suitable for stone compression shear bond strength test. Measure the size of the bonding surface of each specimen with a vernier caliper, and calculate the bonding surface area. Install the test piece in the compression shear fixture of the testing machine, and ensure that the bonding surface of the installed test piece is consistent with the line of force of the material testing machine. Load at a speed of 5 mm/min until the specimen fails, record the maximum load, and then calculate the compressive shear bond strength as follows.


Where: t——compressive shear bond strength, in megapascals (Mpa);

F——Maximum load, the unit is Newton (N);

S—the area of ​​the bonding surface, in square millimeters (mm2)

The arithmetic mean of the measured values ​​of 5 specimens is used as the result, and the calculation result is rounded to one decimal place.

The abnormal data is processed according to the gross error elimination criterion (Dixon criterion). X2 Rock Shear/Stone Shear Fixture Stone Adhesive Shear Test FixtureCharacteristics   Rock Shear/Stone Shear Fixture Stone Adhesive Shear Test FixtureTechnical Parameters   Rock Shear/Stone Shear Fixture Stone Adhesive Shear Test Fixture Instructions for Use   Rock Shear/Stone Shear Fixture Stone Adhesive Shear Test Fixture Purchase Instructions  

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