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Injection grade TPU GS-772 fire retardant V0 elastomer [price, manufacturer, buy, what brand is good
2022-06-29 14:50  Click:13
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    "Injection Grade TPU GS-772 Fire Retardant V0 Elastomer" Parameter Description

    In stock: Yes Authentication: Standard Level
    Type: TPU Grade: TPU
    Processing Level: Injection Grade, Coating Grade, Hot Melt Grade, Drawing Grade, Extrusion Grade, Foaming Grade Feature Level: Flame retardant grade, toughened grade, reinforced grade, transparent grade, thermal stability, high temperature resistance, low temperature resistance, UV resistance
    Usage Level: General Purpose, Auto Parts, Tubing Model: GS-772
    Specifications: 25kg Trademark: Standard Level
    Packaging: Standard Level

    Detailed introduction of "Injection Grade TPU GS-772 Fire Retardant V0 Elastomer"

    Injection Grade TPU/Germany Bayer/GS-772 Fire Retardant V0 Elastomer Automotive Application

    High wear resistance: Taber wear index comparison of TPU and other materials

    (wear condition: CS17 wheel, 1000g/wheel, 5000r/m 23℃)

    Material Wear (mg) Material Wear (mg)

    TPU 0.5-3.5 natural rubber 146

    Nylon 610 16 Impact Resistant PVC 160

    Polyester film 18 SBR 177

    Nylon 11 24 Plasticized PVC 187

    HDPE 29 Butyl 205

    PF 42 ABS 275

    Butadiene rubber 44 CBR 280

    Nylon 66 49 PS 324

    LDPE 70 Nylon 6 366

    Wide range of hardness: By changing the ratio of each reaction component of TPU, products with different hardness can be obtained, and as the hardness increases, the products still maintain good elasticity.

    High mechanical strength: TPU products have outstanding bearing capacity, impact resistance and shock absorption performance.

    Outstanding cold resistance: The glass transition temperature of TPU is relatively low, and it still maintains good elasticity, flexibility and other physical properties at minus 35 degrees.

    Good processing performance: TPU can be processed by common processing methods of thermoplastic materials, such as injection, extrusion, calendering, etc. At the same time, the co-processing of TPU and some polymer materials can obtain polymer alloys with complementary properties.

    Resistant to oil, water and mould.

    Good recyclability.

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    For Raw Material Certification Report; ULcertification,FDAcertification, material certification, ISO, ASTMProperties,ROHS(SGS)Reports, Material Safety Data Sheets(MSDS) strong>Property, Quote
    ULReport, RoSHStandard,SGSTest report, etc.)......

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