Polyurethane Composite
Anye pu polyurethane composite board thermal insulation material [price, manufacturer, buy, what bra
2022-06-28 10:32  Click:4
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In stock: Yes Product Category: Insulation Board
Material: Polyurethane Pattern: Microporous
Shape: Rectangle Scope of application: Insulation materials
Coefficient of thermal conductivity (room temperature): 0.024 Brand: Safety
Use temperature: Below 200 degrees Celsius Core: Polyurethane
Compressive Strength: 150 Bending Strength: 35
Elongation at break: 1.0 Low temperature bending: 1.0
Grade: Level B1 Model: 20-120mm
Specifications: 1200*600 Packaging: Plastic
Density: 35kg Yield: 1000000

Detailed introduction of "Sunye pu polyurethane composite board thermal insulation material"

Anye pu polyurethane composite board thermal insulation materialBasic introduction

Polyurethane rigid foam insulation board: Polyurethane rigid foam insulation board refers to the insulation board produced on the professional production line of the factory, with polyurethane rigid foam as the core material and covered with some kind of non-decorative surface layer on both sides. The surface layer is generally used to increase the bonding strength between the polyurethane rigid foam insulation board and the base wall and reduce damage during transportation.

Anye pu polyurethane composite board thermal insulation material performance characteristics Polyurethane rigid foam composite insulation board: Polyurethane rigid foam composite insulation board refers to a composite board produced on the professional production line of the factory, with polyurethane rigid foam as the core material, and covered with a certain decorative surface layer on both sides or on one side.

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