flexible foam catalyst
SBS Maoming Petrochemical F675 wire and cable grade thermoplastic elastomer SBS hardness 63 degrees
2022-06-24 11:44  Click:12
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    "SBS Maoming Petrochemical F675 wire and cable grade thermoplastic elastomer SBS hardness 63 degrees SBS" parameter description

    In stock: Yes Type: SBS
    Grade: F675 Processing Level: Injection Grade, Extrusion Grade
    Feature Level: Toughened Grade Usage Level: Tube Grade
    Manufacturer (Origin): Maoming Petrochemical

    Detailed introduction of "SBS Maoming Petrochemical F675 wire and cable grade thermoplastic elastomer SBS hardness 63 degrees SBS"


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    Product parameters  
    Performance items Test Condition [Status] Test Method Test Data Data Unit
    Mechanical Properties Hardness (Shore A) 63
    Transformation ≤35 %
    300% tensile stress 1.3 MPa
    tensile strength 15 MPa
    Elongation at break 850 %
    Other features Stupid Ethylene Content 40±2 %
    Total Volatile 0.75 %
    Oil Content 50±3 phr
    MI(5kg-190`0) 4±2.5 g/10min

    As the plastic market changes every day, some on the page The quotation may be different from the actual quotation of the day, for reference only! If you want to know the price quotation, please call to inquire directly, thank you!
    Please contact the hotline: 0769-81723478
    Tel: Mr. Ye 13728390432 or 13425401956 (with the same number)
    Q Q: 1959498907
    Dongguan Shenghao Plastic Materials Co., Ltd. (Dongguan Hengtai Plastic Materials Management Co., Ltd. Department)
    Address: No. 56, Building 7, Plastic Business Center, Xianwei Avenue, Zhangmutou Town, Dongguan City


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